2014 Six Cylinder HS Machinist Model

6 Cylinder Live Steam engine of Oscillating Cylinder design. All the parts of the engine were manufactured by High School students at South Adams / Area 18 Machine Trades, Berne, IN in 2014. The parts were designed and engineered by students using previously designed engines as a reference. Serial #1 was auctioned off at a monthly Machinist Group Meeting once all the engines were completed. Each student that helps manufacture the engine keeps two engines. One engine is for them to keep and the second is given to someone of the student's choosing that helped them get their start in the mechanical trades. 100% of all proceeds go towards scholarships and other activities of the Machinist Group of Northeast Indiana. This model is number 24 of only 40 made. It runs very well on low air pressure.  The model is precision machined almost entirely from aluminum.  The model base measures 10cm square, the flywheel is 10cm in diameter and the overall height is 15cm.

Oscillating Cylinder Design

In 1827 Joseph Maudslay patented a independently developed marine oscillating engine, with an improved valve gear.  See Wikipedia article on oscillating cylinder steam engines.

2014 Six Cylinder HS Machinist Model VIDEO