Reid Gyroscopic Steam Engine Governor

Patented by Joseph Reid, Monroe, Louisiana, Oct. 21, 1879, no. 220867.   Historic Models and Reproductions, Built 2007 by John W, Schultz Prints: by Dennis Howe


This model represents a hollow vertical spindle geared to be driven by the engine. Pivoted at the top of the spindle is a gyroscopic wheel, which ordinarily rests at an inclination to the spindle but when rotated is acted upon by gyroscopic and centrifugal forces tending to swing the axis of the wheel to the vertical. The changes in position of the wheel  follow changes in velocity of the wheel, so that by suitable connections of the axis of the wheel to a governor valve the device will control the speed of the engine to which it is attached. This description comes from the 1939 Catalog of the Mechanical Collections of the Division of Engineering United States Museum Bulletin 173 by Frank A. Taylor.


30 cm long x 18 cm wide x 28 cm high

Reid Gyroscopic Engine Governor, Patent Model Smithsonian Institution,  National Museum of American History (catalog number 309242)